Databases at the AST Library
Off-campus sign-in
To access e-books through the Novanet catalogue or electronic journal articles in the EBSCO databases you will need OpenAthens credentials:
Username: starts with "asth"
Password: You will be emailed a link to create your password. If you are a new student and have not received credentials please contact the library at
Please ensure you have a current recommended browser
Religion & Theology DatabasesEBSCO: Atla Religion Database with AtlaSerials (Full Text) Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception Online (Full Text) Digital Karl Barth Library (Full Text) Oxford Bibliographies: Biblical Studies (Full Text)
Multidiscipline DatabasesEBSCO: Academic Search Premier (Full Text) (theological content) ERIC: Education Resources Information Center WorldCatDissertations (Catalogue) Chicago Manual of Style Online 18th edition |
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