AST Student Union Members
Jacqui Moraal (She/Her) President Jacqui is a UCC candidate, Jacqui began the MDiv Distant Learning program at AST in the summer of 2021. Currently serving in the Ailsa Craig United Church in Ailsa Craig, Ontario in pastoral ministry. In the role of President of the AST Student Council and in collaboration with the Student Union council, she provides support to AST students both onsite and at a distance, facilitates communication with faculty and staff, addresses issues important to students attending AST, and participates in regional, school and faculty meetings as invited or required. Jacqui also serves on the Worship Team at AST, which supports both the Chapel service onsite over the summer term and online hybrid Chapel during the fall and winter terms.
Tabitha McLachlin Co Vice-President Bio and photo coming soon
Virginia Wallace (she/her) Co Vice-President Virginia is a Summer Distance student going into her 4th year and a candidate for ordination in the United Church of Canada. When not occupied with her ministry duties, you can find her at the local English elementary school working with children who struggle academically. She has two adult daughters and shares her home with her partner Andrew, one 3-legged cat and a ferocious budgie. She loves gardening, hiking, chocolate and tea. Elle parle francais. Organization is her super skill.
Donna Kelly Secretary Bio and Photo coming soon
Brian Botten (he/him) Treasurer Brian is a UCC candidate for ministry. Brian's Background is in business as he comes to us with much experience, having a B. Comm, CITT, SACC he is well suited to be our treasurer. Brian is going into his fourth year of the Summer Distance program. He comes from Moncton New Brunswick and is currently serving in Millstream pastoral charge in Berwick New Brunswick.
Phillip Breden Member at Large Photo and bio coming soon
Torrin Maag Member at Large Torrin is a second-year student in the M.Div Summer Distance program. Their current research interests are practical discipleship, Christian anarchism, and Martin Buber. They help organize Christianity at the Margins, an emerging young adult ministry.
Kassandra Matthews Member at Large Kassandra is a fourth-year student in the M.Div Summer Distance program. She serves in congregational ministry and Spiritual Care in Long-term care. Kassandra resides in Niagara Falls, Ontario with her partner and small children. In her spare time (what is that?) Kassandra enjoys making dreadful punny jokes and delicious food for her friends and family, binge-watching BBC shows, exploring the outdoors, reading, and crafting.
Julee Pauling On Campus Rep. Julee is currently a Candidate for Ministry in the Eastern Ontario and Outaouais Region of the United Church of Canada. She was employed as a Senior Ethics Advisor for 15 years in the Federal Public Service, developing, delivering, and measuring ethics and whistleblowing programs, conducting investigations, and advising and reporting to the highest levels of management. Meanwhile, her call to ministry had became more obvious since 2006—waylaid, however, by a series of experiences with critical illness. Julee is pursuing her Master of Divinity at AST full-time and on-campus, but her home-base is in Ottawa with her partner, Blaine, and their giant schnauzer. Previous academic experience includes a B. Humanities, Honours (Carleton University), an M.A. in Philosophy (University of Ottawa), and a number of teaching assistant positions held during both degrees. Julee loves chatting one-on-one, going for walks, tea/coffee, and local chapel and music programs, so feel free to reach out!
AST Student Union represents the needs and concerns of the AST student community. If you have any questions, concerns or ideas, please contact us at aststudentunion@astheology.ns.ca.
Students Helping Students
If you would like to donate to the virtual food bank for fellow AST students. Please click here:
Academic Accommodations
AST recognizes the need for students to self-identify and to discuss any learning or accessibility challenges.
Please refer to the Learning Challenges and Other Special Needs section on page 65 of the Academic Calendar 2022-2023. This section describes how students and the university can work together to ensure academic success. (The Academic Calendar can be found on our Academic Resources Page).
Student Consultation Framework 2020-2025