We are developing morally courageous leaders with the vision and audacity to build a better world.
Are you ready to do your inner work and join us?
AST is excited to launch a new kind leadership programming. Through shared practical and experiential opportunities with a host of wise and compassionate facilitators, we are engaging people who are ready to think critically about their own values and beliefs, to understand what it means to lead with purpose and integrity in today’s complex world.
We are connecting diverse leaders who are interested in becoming more conscious of their impact, wherever they live and work, supporting them from common cause, to common vision, to common action.
Are you ready to take this journey of self-discovery, to show up authentically and take inspired action on behalf of your community? Are you ready to create a more just, compassionate, sustainable world?
Let’s get to work.
A conversation with Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya
AST Leadership Learning was proud to present A conversation with Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, human rights activist and leader of democratic Belarus, who is internationally recognized for her leadership of social justice, compassion and kindness.
David Deane facilitated an inspiring and moving conversation with Ms. Tsikhanouskaya on her leadership triumphs, challenges and hopes for the future. You can view the recording of the conversation here https://youtu.be/jRW_Y4grsro
Sviatlana outlined some clear ways we can support the Belarusian movement for democracy:
- Be vocal - talk about this important cause with your friends, families, neighbours and co-workers to raise awareness of the movement for Belarusian democracy.
- If you can, support protestors on the ground with financial help for technology and other needs. Here is one of the foundations to which you can donate. https://bysol.org/english
- Write a letter to a political prisoner, offering words of encouragement and support. https://vkletochku.org/en
Stay tuned for more exciting and inspiring AST Leadership Learning events!
Leading From the Inside Out
The Leading from the Inside Out series features amazing upcoming sessions with inspiring women leaders in our region. On March 9, we are excited to welcome Jennifer Gillivan with The Other Half and Why It Matters. On April 13, Sheila Isaac will share her incredible leadership journey with Nikanu’skw: My Journey.
For more information and to register, visit: www.eventbrite.ca/e/leading-from-the-inside-out-facilitating-change-for-a-world-in-crisis-tickets-125011965153
Black Women in Leadership: Sharing and Shaping Our Journey
We were honoured to partner with Mount Saint Vincent University and RBC to hold space for essential and inspiring conversations to elevate Black women leaders during the Black Women in Leadership forum on October 30 and November 6, 2020.
We were moved by the generosity, courage and wisdom offered by the Honourable Dr. Mayann Francis, who inspired the forum, and by Yvonne Atwell, Barbara Manning, Sharon Davis-Murdoch and Cora Tolliver, who bravely shared their personal stories and experiences.
In response to these stories - guided by our emcee, Crystal Taylor and the input of our participants - our panelists: Dr. Theresa Rajack-Talley, Vivek Sood, Chris Ronald and Nancy Chahwan responded to important questions on how we can improve the experience of Black women leaders, providing their best thinking and practical advice on what senior decision makers and organizations can do to make real change.
The final Black Women in Leadership Report captures the learning from these sessions in an effort to spark ideas and motivate action. It is our hope that you will bring this conversation to your own teams, organizations and communities, and consider what you will do to make change. We all have a role to play in changing the landscape for Black women leaders.
In the meantime, we are pleased to present you with the recordings of both sessions from the Black Women in Leadership: Sharing and Shaping Our Journey forum.
Session 1: October 30, 2020
Session 2: November 6, 2020
Please look to the video descriptions for exact timing on various speakers.
Please contact our Director, Leadership Learning, Sherie Hodds with any questions at shodds@astheology.ns.ca.