The Rev. Dr. Rob Fennell

Associate Professor of Historical and Systematic Theology

Rob Fennell
Historical and Systematic Theology

Tel: 902-425-3298
United Church of Canada


Dr. Fennell earned a BA (Winnipeg); an MDiv (Emmanuel College, Toronto); an MLitt (University of St. Andrews); and a ThD (University of Toronto/Victoria University). His research interests include pilgrimage, hermeneutics, the Holy Spirit, C.S. Lewis, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, evangelism, congregational vitality, leadership, and The United Church of Canada. He is founding director of Camino Nova Scotia, AST’s social enterprise-based summer pilgrimage program. Prior to serving with AST, he served as a minister with local congregations of The United Church of Canada.

Curriculum Vitae

  • Camino Close to Home: How to Plan and Thrive on Local Pilgrimages (Novalis, 2023)
  • (with Russell Daye) Turning Ourselves Inside Out: Thriving Christian Communities (Minneapolis, MN: Fortress, 2021)
  • 31 Short Spiritual Practices: Getting (re)started in a daily spirituality of gratitude and contentment (Halifax, 2021)
  • (Editor, with Don Schweitzer and Michael Bourgeois) The Theology of The United Church of Canada (Waterloo, ON: Wilfred Laurier University Press, 2019)
  • “Radical Alignment with God’s Purposes: A Christian View of the Golden Rule.” United Church Observer 82, no.7 (Feb 2019): 32-33.
  • (Editor, with Kimberlynn McNabb) Living Traditions: Half a Millennium of Re-Forming Christianity (Eugene, OR: Resource Publications/Wipf&Stock, 2019)
  • The Rule of Faith and Biblical Interpretation: Reform, Resistance, and Renewal (Eugene, OR: Cascade, 2018)
  • Editor, Both Sides of the Wardrobe: C.S. Lewis, Theological Imagination, and Everyday Discipleship (Eugene, OR: Resource Publications/Wipf&Stock, 2015)
  • “The Theological Foundations of Social Justice.” Touchstone 33, no. 2 (June 2015): 5-12.
  • Editor, Intercultural Visions: Called to Be the Church (Toronto: United Church Publishing House, 2012)