The Rev. Canon Dr. Jody Clarke
Professor of Pastoral Theology

Jody Clarke
Pastoral Theology and Psychotherapy
Tel: 902-425-5315
Anglican Church of Canada
Dr. Clarke earned a BA (Dalhousie); an MDiv (Trinity College, Toronto); and a DMin (St. Stephen’s College, Edmonton). His specializations include pastoral psychotherapy, death and dying, trauma and trauma recovery, guilt, forgiveness, and peace. He teaches courses in these areas, as well as sexuality, congregational dynamics and development, leadership, personality theory, sports and religion, and individual and community resilience. He is a certified trainer and supervisor of Clinical Pastoral Education supervisors.
- (with Dave Csinos) “Steer into the Storm: Dynamic Psychotherapy for Preaching in Anxious Times.” International Journal of Homiletics 6 (2021): 23–32
- “Wonder and the Divine Dance: The Lived Reality of Qualitative Research within a Master of Divinity Curriculum.” In Qualitative Research in Theological Education: Pedagogy in Practice, ed. Susan Willhauck and Mary Clark Moschella (London: SCM, 2018)
- (with Angela Schmitt and Catherine Hickey) “Davanloo’s Technique in the Case of the 17-Year-Old with Anorexia Nervosa and a Complex Unconscious: Part I.”. Current Psychiatric Reviews 4 (2018).(with Angela Schmitt and Catherine Hickey)
- “Davanloo’s Technique in the Case of the 17-Year-Old with Anorexia Nervosa and a Complex Unconscious: Part II.” Current Psychiatric Reviews 4 (2018)
- “The Metapsychology of Guilt and Redemption: A Case Study of Dicken’s Pip.” Journal of Spirituality in Mental Health (2018)
- “The Therapeutic Covenant: A Psychotheological Pathway to Dynamic Engagement.” Journal of Pastoral Care and Counseling 63, no.3 (Fall 2009)
- “The Metapsychology of Character Change: A Case Study of Ebenezer Scrooge.” Journal of Spirituality in Mental Health 11, no.4 (Fall 2009)
- “Pastoral Diagnosis: Assessing the Psychotheological Themes of Freedom and Meaning.” Journal of Pastoral Care and Counseling 62, no.3 (Fall 2008)